Friday, December 29, 2006

Remote Attempt #1

Tonight I tried out my first [REMOTE SETUP]. I can’t say it was a total success, nor can I say it was a complete failure.

I got to the Towson Center around 3p.m. and made sure it was OK to run. I got the go-ahead from three different sources and came back around 5p.m. to set-up. Being my first time, I feel like I rushed setting it up. I also was on my own, so setting the hyper focus distance was a one deal shot.

It seemed to be working flawless the entire game. Shortly after the game, it seemed if I had gotten at least two decent shots. (One above and one [CLICK HERE] .)

I am happy, but I guess I forgot about the ISO setting in my rush and it was left @ 640. I don’t know if the strobes were synching with the remote or not because of my exposure (underexposed). If you look at this picture of [TIM CROSSIN] from tonight, you can see its exposure is near perfect (1/250 f/2.8 @ 400ISO).

In closing on the night, I am not totally happy, but there is always tomorrow. I just have to remember to: A.) get more of an angle B.) place the remote a bit higher C). Set my exposure extra carefully D.) Maybe go wider (fisheye) E.) Take my time!

NOTE:I got an e-mail saying, "I never knew the bracketed names were linked pictures; maybe you should make a note about that." ARE YOU CLICKING THEM?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you provide a little more info about how to set up a remote camera above the goal? I'd like to give it a go at our next couple of games.


Monday, January 01, 2007 9:02:00 PM  

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