Exciting for you... boring for me

This is my second time shooting graduation since transferring to Towson last fall. I'll probably shoot two more, if not shoot my own, before I make the walk. At this rate I don't think I'll have the energy to actually sit for another two hours and walk across the stage myself next year. Well, maybe if Towson gets someone of significance to speak.
Moving on, I cannot imagine graduating at this point in time.
Sure it's an big, exciting step in life. I'd be fooling myself if I said I wasn't anticipating my own graduation. But as I stood there listening to the boring speakers (who didn't motivate, nor excite me) I kept thinking of all the students who will do nothing with their degrees. Granted their are many students who already have a job or on the right path with their futures, I kept thinking of those that have just gone through the motions of getting a degree. Seems like a waste of their own and/or parents dough to do nothing in life.
I think that I am fortunate to know what I want to do in my life. I'll do whatever it takes to do what I love. But it's a little scary to think that college is the last step before being released to the "real world."
I like college and after some words of wisdom by a very talented shooter I met and assisted a bit at Preakness, Brendan Smialowski, I don't ever want to leave. He said:
"You have a miniature world at you disposal, yet, [with] very few real world restrictions."
As I just said, I don't think I ever want to leave the freedom of school now. But I'll take his word for it and move on when the time comes.
That ends my insights for the day, congrats to my friends who made the walk today. Congrats on your hard work and successful future careers.
It is an incorrect assumption to think that the degree you receive upon graduation will directly apply to your career(s) afterwards.
I got mine in English in 1990 and I've been a social worker and a financial aid officer. One roommate got hers in psych and she's a statistician, another in philosophy and she is a physical therapist. A friend got his in comp sci/math and he's a movie producer and writer.
In fact the only person I went to college with who is "using his degree" got it in music and plays in a symphony orchestra.
All that aside, I agree, graduations can be very tedious - especially if you have to attend more than one. (-:
Good luck to your friends, and to you!
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