Track, traffic, transmit

The shoot went smooth and I was in and out in ten minutes. However, one problem. No wireless on the school campus. I thought to myself, "that's OK, I'll just drive ten minutes to Towson and use the campus wide wireless." Ten turned into thirty and I was sweating the deadline of "transmit right after shoot." As my bad luck turned worse I couldn't connect to the FTP. Alas I finally got the images through VIA e-mail; thankfully.
Although I can normally find internet anywhere, I've been contemplating buying a wireless card. That was until I found out how much of scam Verizon cards are. I wouldn't mind paying $100 up front for a card and $60 a month for three of four months of the summer, then re-up whenever I needed it again. But I should have known there was a catch to it. You have to sign up for a contract for a year or two, plus if you cancel it costs almost $200. What a rip!
If anyone has any suggestions for where to you can normally find wireless please let me know.
I am running a little late for my assignment for this afternoon down at the Naval Academy in Annapolis. I better run. Thanks to WRNR and Annapolis Wireless I shouldn't have a problem finding free wireless to transmit.
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