Four sports in four days

My past four days have been comprised of nothing but sports. It odd, but most of my shooting of recent tends to be more in one category than another. I'll still shoot all categories, but it will lean more toward features for a day or so, than sports, than news, etc.
Anyway, Thursday I shot the last Towson men's soccer game at home this season. But that has now changed as they will be back in action Tuesday since they clinched a playoff berth with a win.
The game made me realize that winter is here. I was freezing.
Following Thursday's cold game was the season opener for the men's basketball team versus local rival Loyola. As previously mentioned, I am not much of a basketball fan. Being confined to one spot all game, having to sit on a hard-wood and in a dull, dark lighting gymnasium in not my view of fun. But I am not going to complain because I love my job.
The game was close and exciting, but Loyola head coach, Jimmy Patsos, made the night for me. His passion, and style of coaching is the most entertaining in Baltimore. Sweating, jumping and screaming is his style. I loved every second of it.
As if I wasn't sick of sports at Towson already, Saturday afternoon was host the last home football game of the season. This time I was prepared for the cold.
First half action of play didn't lend it self to many points on the score board, but I made most of my images then. As second half rolled around I tried some fun stuff, but made sure to keep my insurance images saving to my memory card. And, as expected, Towson was defeated once again this season.
Now, as I lay here in bed, I will be waking up fairly early to shoot the Ravens game at 4p.m. I am pumped as always, hopefully Cinco Ocho, other wise known as Chad Johnson, will score and pull some sort of silly celebration.
I'll try and update with that tomorrow and maybe my favorite images from each game mentioned.
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