Texting troubles

On Sunday afternoon my phone rang during my third assignment of the day, "Hey, Pat. We need a visual of college kids text messaging." So I packed up my gear during half time of the women's basketball, headed back to the office and moved the game images.
I had absolutely no idea what I would shoot for text messaging other than, well, students doing the deed. No, not that deed.
As I made my way across campus, randomly peeking into bistros and eateries along my stroll I saw no students. It was empty. Empty like a Friday afternoon on campus during summer. Then I realized, no students were going to be on campus since it was Sunday.
Resorting to my last option, I opted to find some random students eating at the restaurant in the University Union and make a photo illustration. These students, not knowing it at the time, would be my models for the next four and half minutes.
During my first semester at Towson University, I was told week after week to produce photo illustrations. It tore me up on the inside.
Illustrations, although necessary at times, are meaningless in my opinion. Any article, no matter how boring, will always be more meaningful and interesting to the reader if they can relate a the story with a human.
But in this case, rushing on deadline, not much to work with on campus, I needed to make a visual as soon as possible. I told my willing, helpful students to simply stand in place and text while I shot some frames.
I really was hoping for five or more students in the image, with them all at different levels of the frame to give it some depth. But working with the room I had and the time I had, I kept things to the point.
Papers seemed to move well yesterday morning, whether or not my visual helped that will never be determined.
As for my own thoughts on the story of professors taking away cell phones or not allowing them in class, I could careless. I mean, I do keep mine on vibrate and do check my incoming e-mails and text messages, as I never know who or what it might be about. It could be an assignment, it could be a random friend or it could be an emergency text alert about troubles on campus.
I'd surely put in question if a professor tried to take my personal property.
Then again, if I was being disrespectful and an annoyance I would be understanding. But I am respectful toward my professors and I've had them all in the past, or at least knew of them before hand. In addition, I pay attention and don't sit there and play games on my phone much like other peers.
Now with the situation I'll be covering tomorrow, I am not sure where I stand yet: Students being allowed to carry concealed handguns on campus.
On a unrelated note, I'll be glad to get away from shooting anything with lights or portraits. This past week has included one or the other, if not both.
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