Pack up the pumpkins

Thanksgiving is here and so is the snow in Maryland. That means I must say goodbye to my favorite time of the year - Fall - and take note that it's time to pack up the pumpkins and replace them with Christmas decorations.
I am not really sure why I love the Fall since it's so prone to ticks in Maryland, and anyone who has read this blog or knows me personally knows my pure hatred toward them.
Personal battles aside, there really is no better time weather-wise than September and October. It seems as if it goes weeks on end without a drop of rain and the temperature continually hovers around a cool 70-degrees everyday.
Back in high school when I was into cars I loved being able to clean my Honda on Sunday evening and know that I didn't have to touch it again for more than a week because of the impeccable dry days.
Now that I am frequently outside for assignments, I know that Fall will keep me comfortable and cool no matter what time of day it is.
But those perfect days are gone until next year and I find myself opening up what I call my "weather box" in my trunk more often than I'd care to.
My weather box is a plastic bin that holds my inclement, hot and cold weather needs: Two pairs of gloves, a baseball cap, a ski hat, rain coat and rain pants, rain gear for my cameras, Under Armour shirt and pants, hand-warmers, a towel, a bathing suit, and some other goodies.
You never know what the weather will be like, so I like to be prepared for just about anything when working. It beats driving all the way back home to get something simple or to the store to buy another.
Anyways, this above assignment was one back from October on an absolutely gorgeous day. As per usual, parents had their children out in full effect as they picked pumpkins and waded through fields having fun.
Anytime you put nice weather, children and the word fun it's almost impossible hard not to make a nice frame.
After making some round and buying some jalapeno beef jerky for breakfast I saw at the counter, I then pretty much staked out this wooden photo cutout board from the minute it caught my eye. I just sat there patiently chomping on my beef jerky until someone walked into the scene.
Well, it's late and I am cold as wind whips around the trees outside. Last night we got our first small amount of snow here in Baltimore and I bundled up like the younger brother in The Christmas Story.
I am rambling, which happens when I am tired, but this is my last remembrance of the season I love for 2008. I'll be going into hibernation until Spring. Well, not really, although I cannot say I don't wish I lived in California right now.
With that in mind: Do Californians even own long pants?
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