Wash, rinse, snow

Maryland isn't like California. We have a winter that includes low temperatures and snow. Two things Californians know nothing about. Not to mention, we east coasters also own more than just shorts.
In contrast, I can see my buddy Darnay saying right now how a Baltimore winter weather system is nothing compared to the snow they get out in Montana. Ha. Whatever. It's all relative. It's all snow, right?
Nonetheless, I don't mind snow and winter weather, but that isn't to say I once despised it.
Back in high school I was really into cars and my gem at the time was a fully restored Honda CR-X. While I loved the car to death in that era of my life, I couldn't justify driving it the minute a flurry hit the pavement.
I was terrified that my defensive driving skills on a snowy day wouldn't be enough to prevent someone from sliding around a turn and totaling this object that I had dumped way too much money into.
In addition, anyone who has ever owned a Honda, more specifically an early 90s' model, knows they rust easier than a iron bolt in the rain.
So there laid the problem that my
But now I could careless about my car. After years of parallel parking in downtown Baltimore, my bumpers have more license plate bolt marks than a golf ball has dimples and my doors have more dings and dents than, well, a car in a hail storm.
With snow coming in and going out January through March here on the east coast my car becomes subject to becoming very, very dirty and while I don't care, I must still wash it.
What happens is the snow falls and the transportation authority over salts the roads to keep us motorist safe. A couple days later everything melts and the roads become a slushy mess of gray water, thus in turn transforming my clean car into a salty mess.
It becomes overbearing and why I could easily leave it until April when my hose unfreezes and I can wash my car for free with my own water, I feel the need to sit in the long lines to get my car washed for $8 or more.
But immediately after I wash it, it snows again - repeating the cycle. What can you do other than post a random, meaningless rant about it?
All I know is when I asked the attendant in the picture above if he owned the wash he smiled and said, "yes."
When I asked if he was making a killing on this "warm" day which every Marylander was washing their car, he could only smile and say, "I hope."
Here is a quick frame from the car wash that I wasted my money on. And now that my car is clean, all I can say is welcome back snow.
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