Backboards were safe...this time

I was assigned to the Charm City Classic three-point and dunk contest at Dunbar High School where he would be playing. Basically, the most important thing, was to make some images of the two Maryland recruits. My editor also wanted some video of the dunking part of the contest.
The only problem was that neither Maryland recruits did anything except sit on the bench. If I only knew that before I showed up.
Without that in mind, I felt as if I could beat my deadline even if I had to take down a backboard remote after my assignment; so I set one up. Its been a while since I've ran one, so I was pretty pumped.
Now, with that in mind, I made the nesscary phone calls to get the OK to put up a remote camera. In addition, I showed up an hour an a half early to setup.
Luckly, I found a 12-foot ladder in the school and had the full support of the staff to put the camera up. They even helped me move the ladder and test it out a couple times.
The only issue was that the coach of the U.S. All-Stars was having a practice with his squad before the competiton, so my window went from an hour and a half, to no more than 20 minutes. Atleast I got the two players I needed not just sitting. Luckly I showed up early.
Working fast, and in one the hottest high school gyms ever, I did my best to make the backboard camera look good.
Things looked acceptable (other than I totally missed one reflection). I even had a player slam dunk on it a coupe times, and it wasn't going anywhere.
The night progressed and before I knew it was time for the dunk contest.
Camped out on the baseline, Pocket Wizard in one hand, and video camera in the other, I watched as 20 players dunked one after another. But, as I already said, neither recruit dunked. I was really disapointed.
I was hoping to get a shot of one of them at this angle. I knew that the paper wasn't interested in some random player not going to College Park.
Nonetheless, I still moved two from the backboard remote hoping they'd land in print or at least online. No dice.
Alas, I got a handful of usable frames from it. Could have been better, way better, with more than 20 rushed mintues to setup. Maybe next basketball season. Atleast I had fun and changed things up a bit.
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