Pool shark

As per usual, the usual suspects and I went out for some food and drinks last Sunday. I tried to fake it until I made it when I challenged "Irish Mike" to a friendly game of pool.
I don't royally suck at pool, but I saw him playing and was intrigued by him and how I'd actually do against his skills.
Little did I know, I'd have to actually have to call all of my shots and would end up getting, for a lack of better terms, my ass kicked.
Nonetheless, Irish Mike was a character and super friendly. He told us about a pool tournament he and about 10 others enter every Monday night. "If you think I'm good," Mike said, "Just wait til you see the other guys. I've not once won the tournament."
The game also opened us up to the employees at the bar who we quickly became friends with. A bunch of really good guys.
Yet, they also kicked my ass in pool and everyone else, too.
The picture above is alright. I shot it with Charlie’s 5D Mark II. I had no clue on how to operate that thing being a Nikon guy. Hahaha.
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