No more teachers, no more books
CAVEAT: Let me preface and say I will hopefully be posting in coming weeks, but I am leaving for international travels today and will return July 3. If posting is slow, I apologize. When I return, I will be back to regular posting. Thanks!
Way back when I was in elementary school I remember screaming out of the school bus window on the last day of school as my teachers stood on the sidewalk waving and sending us off into the summer.
Nothing has changed, the same thing happens some 16 years later. Although, kids aren't as wild as I once recall. Thinking back, I would basically hang out of the window of the bus and shout at the top of my lungs as I celebrated another school year completed.
Shooting these elementary school kids was endearing, but not one kid caught my eye as a funny moment. While it was nostalgic and made me smile, it didn't make me laugh as I thought I would.
I was sure some kid would moon the teachers from the bus window, flip them the bird, throw a juice box at one, or at the very least, smash their face against a window.
OK, OK. Maybe I was wishing for something that probably has never happened, minus the latter. Alas, it was merely bland faces and waves.
Maybe it was the "superest school year ever" note that gave me false impressions of funny, goofy kids. Hmm...
Half of the buses now have windows that don't even allow students to see out of them when opened, which limited the number of buses I could shoot, too.
Now that I think about it, the real photo was probably of the teachers when went back into the school. I am sure they were pounding vodka and Jack Daniels as they celebrated their summer freedom without dealing with 20 odd something seven-year-olds for eight hours each day.
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