Boys and Dolls

I should have been an actor. Or that's what I always think that when I shoot performances.
While not a huge fan of actually seeing theater, when I get to photograph them with good access I enjoy myself.
Sure, it's entertainment, it's all going to happen the same way every time. It's scripted. From the costumes, the lines, the blocking, the light, you name it, it's going down the same way every night until close.
But one cannot complain though. It's always graphic and the light is always perfect.
Add those two elements with access to anywhere to you want to go and you can make some nice graphic images.
This was a rehearsal and while I dreaded it at first, I left with a smile on my face.
However, after seeing the article in print and online I wasn't smiling. The above image and this image not only didn't make the print edition, but they were for some reason cut from the online gallery, too.
wow. these pictures are awful.
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