Hair foul

I never liked playing back-to-back games when I was younger, whether it was soccer or lacrosse. I always was exhausted after the first game.
While I still don't like playing back-to-back matches, I don't mind shooting two games in a row. It's nice sometimes to be in one place rather than running all around the country.
This year I have done it a couple times, but was only stressed when I had to cover multiple volleyball games at once. It's not just because I don't like shooting volleyball (it's probably my least favorite sport to shoot), it was shooting four games at once that drove me crazy.
Trying to get a bunch of teams, players at once was a big challenge, but I like a challenge.
Anyways, I am confusing myself and rambling.
Last week I shot the women's BYU basketball game followed by the men's basketball game.
This was my favorite from the women's game, which ended up running after they let their huge lead slip and lost.
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