Monday Close-up: Restless riding

I was frustrated with trying to ride my heavy mountain bike on the road, so on a whim I found a great deal on a fixed gear bicycle (Photo by Chris Detrick) in some local Utah classified.
The day I purchased it, I took it down to work to hopefully ride around when not shooting. But then I was given an assignment literally a couple blocks away. So I hopped on my bicycle and pedaled away.
While shooting a building mug shot, a guy on a green fixie rode by me. Intrigued, I pedaled over and started talking with him.
Without boring you with unneeded words, I turned my new obsession for riding a fixed gear bicycle into my November Monday Close-up.
The guys I followed for a couple days were an awesome group of dudes and not only did I have fun shooting stills, video and writing the article, but I learned a lot.
Wish my video would have came together a little better, but it is what it is. More photos to come.
You can check the article here and the video here.
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