I guess this is right?

Long days get me thinking.
Sometimes I feel like I am not doing the right things to better my shooting. I wonder if I am shooting the right pictures at the correct moments. I wonder if my photos have any meaning, and if they in fact, move anyone or tell the right stories in certain situations. My mind starts racing a million times the normal capacity and I get confused.
I guess I get this way when I am in a rut. And I am too hard on myself because my biggest competition has always been, and will always be: myself.
I don’t know what it is, but I thought this photo summed up how I have been feeling lately. Wondering if what I’ve been doing and what I am doing is “right.”
In this case, with this photo, do either of them think they are doing the right thing?
Catching nothing? Catching a players helmet instead of the ball? Who knows.
But what I do know that they will figure out they were both wrong when they see the photo. But in my case, I guess I’ll never know and that’s what drives me to make better pictures day after day.
I love to hate this job.
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