
Now back to the regularly (now old) posting...
I mentioned it the other day, but it gets cold here, but even more frigid up the canyon.
The other day I drove up Provo canyon to shoot a polar bear plunge. The concept is simple if you never heard of it: jump into freezing cold water for donations.
They had something similar back in Baltimore, but now that I think about it, it was anything but a real polar bear plunge.
Here is how I determined that:
The temperature: Utah wins. It was a blistering 8 degrees. I'm sure their hands and toes were frozen solid. Back in Baltimore is was always close or above freezing.
The water: Utah wins. Water was probably much colder. I saw ice chunks floating.
The ground: Utah wins. Walking barefoot in snow beats barefoot in sand.
People: Maryland wins, by far. But that's because this version in Utah was it's first time ever. They had more than 50 signed up, but only four plunged.
Aftermath: Utah wins. Instead of running into large heated tents with warming blankets, these guys ran through the snow to their cars.
So obviously it was way more extreme here, but I guess when it comes down to it, it's always a fun shoot despite the amount of people and temperature and always for a good cause.
A real PJ woulda shot that with an underwater camera, for a fresh perspective.
Just sayin'.
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