Poinsettias or poinsetas?

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in Utah. Well, most of it is from the snow.
People do have their decorations setup and there are some pretty impressive houses around town. One that even has music synced up with it. It's really something.
Or the other hand, everything in this damn state shuts down on Sundays, that includes both primary Christmas radio stations. It really irritates me.
Any who, it's always a relief when I have to go out feature hunting, but I am given a list of possible ideas by my editor. In this case, a poinsettias green house.
I wasn't there long, but it was nice to avoid the cold, snow and not spend all afternoon unsuccessfully searching for a feature.
And I know it's spelled poinsettias, but is it pronounced: poin-setti-ahs or poin-set-ahs? Enlighten me, please.
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