Season of loss

There is not much spot news out here in Utah. But then again I didn't cover that much despite the continual murders and crime in Baltimore.
This week, before heading out to drive west of Utah lake, I was told to head up to where a family's home was on fire.
I wasn't sure if it was still on fire or what, so I followed the reporter up there.
A real tragedy, this Orem family who lost daughter to swine flu were now victim to a total loss of their house to fire.
They weren't showing much emotion when the television and reporters were around. So I kept in the shadows until they all left. Even then, I kept my distance. It wasn't until all were gone when I got this moment.
I wasn't a big fan of the picture, I felt I could captured a stronger moment that showed their pain. But I was told it was moving and told the story. I hope it speaks the hardship the family has been through.
I wish them the best and hope that their holiday season is a happy time despite their hardships this year.
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