Cupid's plunge

This is my second time covering a polar plunge in two months and I was really debating whether or not to do it this time around. And despite being scared, yet saying I was still going to do it, I didn't.
Last time it was cold. Really, really cold. I am talking single digits. This time however, it was about mid 20s, but yeah, still frigid.
Speaking of seconds, this is the second time in a matter of months where I should have done something on my assignment that I've never done before, but backed out.
I have the best job in the world, I get to meet new people every day. And with that, I get to experience something fresh, too. Not people have that luxury with their profession.
A couple months ago I covered a new police dog. They demonstrated his attacking, take down skills with the huge bite suit. Afterward, they asked if anyone in the media wanted to try. I really wanted to, but backed out.
And last week, I really wanted to try the polar plunge. But again, chickened out.
So that's my new goal for the year.
If I am on assignment and I am offered to try it (after shooting what I need of course), and there is a photographer there who will document it, I am trying it.
Good Plan Patrick. I was on assignment yesterday and when the time came up to take a horse ride I jumped at the opportunity. It's amazing the doors that open when you're a photographer.
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