
According to this thing called the Internet, "bitajemo" means "welcome" in Ukrainian.
I attempted to say it to my subjects, but I either told them something inappropriate or just botched it, because they all just smiled and giggled.
My assignment was to photograph a delegation from Ukraine. It seemed awfully boring and I wasn't very excited. Had I been in the Ukraine, it may have been different.
The story was about these Ukrainians being among the throngs attending caucus meetings Tuesday night in Orem.
Basically, the Ukrainian group was learning about local politics in Utah during a their eight-day visit.
Why on earth they came to Provo was beyond me. Why they wanted to learn about energy saving homes was also a hard concept to grasp.
Whatever the case, I pulled something from nothing (in nothing I mean them literally standing in the same spot for 30 minutes nodding their heads) and liked it enough to post here.
The phrase goes, "Make chicken salad out of chicken shit." That's pretty much this assignment.
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