Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cliche cowboy

"Holding the U.S. flag, a rider circles the ring during the national anthem at the Amberley Snyder Benefit Rodeo at the Heber City Rodeo Grounds, Saturday, March 20, 2010."

Last weekend, Mark invited me to come shoot a rodeo with him.

I had the day off and was really bored, so I opted to ride shotgun up to Heber with him and Brit as he shot on the clock.

Although bored most of the day before meeting up, and being excited to attend my first rodeo, I really wasn't in the mood to shoot.

After getting to Heber, we both went our separate ways to make frames. Mark shot pictures for work, I made some for myself.

Most of my time I spent behind the scenes in the pit, or whatever it's called, where all the cowboys hangout before riding horses and bulls.

I felt a bit out of place at first, which didn't help me with my willingness to want to shoot pictures and put my camera in a strangers face.

Alas, I quickly fit in. My natural potty mouth had me connecting with these cowboys and getting to know them a little better. After getting the personal OK to start firing away, I couldn't stay away from the cowboy cliche. You know, shooting every frame with a cowboy hat.

While I didn't shoot a whole bunch (I spent a lot of time talking and taking in the sights and sounds of my first rodeo, and dodging poop), and the light was horrible (it was indoors), I came away with very few frames I thought I'd share.

Maybe it was because I was forcing myself to see different. I shot the entire night with one lens and didn't think too hard of what I was doing or framing up (aside from cowboy hats).

Whatever the case, I had fun. Thanks, Mark.


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