In like a lion...

Oddly enough, the weather here in Utah has been great. Everyday for the past month I feel like my temperature gauge in my car has displayed in the lower to mid 50s.
But now it's March.
The saying goes, "In like a lion, out like a lamb" and that's holding true. The other day, out of the blue, it began snowing. And snowing. And, well, snowing.
My day was slow and I thought I'd go make a standalone video. But after the desk decided my traffic art (third one this month!) wasn't worthy of the center piece, I was sent out to find a feature.
I thought it was funny. Here I was excited to go out on my own and spend an hour or so making a visual video for our Web site. I was eager to get out there.
The snowflakes were huge, and it was really coming down. Not to mention, I've been dying to make a new multimedia piece.
But after being assigned to shoot a real standalone, my moral lowered and I felt pressured. There was an added weight on my shoulders. Why I then felt that way I have no idea.
Alas, I've been meaning to play around with the "huge stairs" on the campus of BYU, and stood there in the dying light, cold blowing snow for 35 minutes before walking back to the office and heading to my next assignment.
Now where is this lamb?
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