Puppy love

A reporter and I have been working on a package, series on a group of families in Utah County who have recently adopted babies from Haiti. We were suppose to follow three families around, but the last family bailed: twice.
So we ended up sticking with only two families.
It's been endearing to see how these kids act in a world they are not used to. It's also, without a doubt, amazing what these families are doing for the children.
Anyways, this little boy, Nathan, kept making out with the family dog. As in literally, opened mouth, dog licking inside his mouth. Gross, yet cute.
The first time it happen I snapped away (above picture). The second time I tried to nail it, but the Mom got upset, pushing the dogs away. The third time it happen, as we all laughed, she put the dogs in a different room.
They were awesome people, very open and friendly. They understood I was doing my job and that it was funny, but I think the mother grew to be upset that I was shooting the photo. The father on the other hand thought it was hilarious.
With that, I completely understand why they wouldn't want someone abusing the reoccurring moment, and I respected that, although I really wanted to make the picture again as it continued to happen throughout the night.
Alas, I really wanted to nail it because it was so comical, and doubt I'll see something that ridiculous for a while. Of the couple frames I witnessed this occurrence, I didn't have a great angle or timing with all of them. This is my best of the moment.
I highly doubt it will even fit in the story edit, which is due to run this weekend, but wanted to share the moment.
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