
I always try to leave every assignment with a clean, artsy frame that screams Patrick Smith. If I transmit it or not all depends.
If I do move it, I generally throw it in the end of my edit, so the desk knows it's not my top choice. Little do they know it sometimes really is.
I guess what I am saying is I play to the liking of the editors and layout gods who I know want the tight action or obvious moment. I can agree with that in most cases, but we as photographers always want our super-duper-cool photo to run on a section front.
And they only way that will happen is if we step on some toes and move pictures that we really like. Because let's face it, if we don't transmit them, there is no way in hell it will run A1, let alone anywhere.
So when I picked up the paper the other day to see my graphic frame from tennis sitting front and center of sports, I had to let them know how awesome it looked.
Melissa Lyttle put it perfect: "Makes me happy to see papers taking chances."
I cannot agree more. I can only hope for the same in the future. Way to go, sports.
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