
Jimmer Fredette has been in the national spotlight of recent as he leads the nation in scoring.
Fredette and I have a weird relationship. Having only met him once one could say we don't really know one another. And we don't. But I think he owes me an apology (I say that in Jest, Jimmer).
Most of us know of the "Madden Curse" which occurs when a photographer shoots a picture of a superstar athlete for a front page of a publication. What usually happens to the athlete after the photo is that they are sidelined, usually due to an injury.
And if you're wondering where the name comes from, "Madden Curse" it originated with the Madden video game series.
Well, with all that in mind, I certainly experienced what possibly could be the first case of the "Reverse Madden Curse." After photographing the BYU superstar basketball guard, I found myself sidelined for the season, with an injury, while he continues to strive.
It happens, but I am noting that this is the first documented case here. I guess I was, as students at BYU say, Jimmered.
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