Wednesday, May 04, 2011

From the archive | The chair

"In an empty town, a chair sits in the cove of a red backdrop in Helper, Utah on Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010."

I should apologize for the recent overload of images of inanimate objects. I am not sure why I am on such a kick with them.

My only excuse is that I've always been attracted to people. I always want to see how others live, whether locally or foreign in my eyes. Yet, I always shoot everything that interests me.

Freedom, boredom and curiosity open my eyes to new things.

These images are simply details of people, their environments, lives. Although I seek warm bodies in my photographs, whether on an editorial assignment or not, I am still drawn to the lifeless, non-breathing objects and scenes I see.

An amazing photographer of Luceo, Kendrick Brinson, recently said it much more poetically than I ever could, "You can learn so much about people without ever showing them. Sometimes a place can say so much more than a face."


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