Bye, bye baseball

Spent the weekend covering what will most likely be the last baseball games I'll cover this year. That is, unless I somehow end up shooting some playoffs.
I decided to spend a couple extra innings shooting from above since it was the last game of the season. Thanks to Mark, I have a picture of me in the super-secret location.
While the game was scoreless much of the game, I did make some interesting pictures with the 2x converter that I borrowed. It was an interesting view that I'd certainly like to try for football, too.
This was my favorite picture from the game, only because a couple photographers had been talking about the classic days of baseball when photographers were literally allowed right on the field.
The sport would certainly be a lot more interesting if grounds crew, photographers and other media could simply wonder the field at any given point.
Then again, batters would probably use others as targets, much like on a driving range when the cart is out diving around.
Baseball, it has been fun. I'll see you next season.
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