Clear the court

Last week, my editor contacted me see if I was available for some sort of basketball game on Monday night. At first, there wasn't much information to the assignment, other then it was some sort of game related to the NBA.
On Tuesday morning, I had assumed it was high school kids looking to make it into the NBA or something. But when I got word later that it was some of the best talent in the world playing - actual NBA players - I got a little bit more excited.
It sounded like an awesome assignment since the NBA is currently on lock-out.
I arrived early and got in without hassle. But the minute players started rolling up, things got out of hand. Without using too many words, the entire production was planned by word of mouth - so there was little, to no, structure to anything.
The game started late. People wouldn't get off the court and the baselines were littered with non-media folk trying to get the perfect image.
At the end of the night, I guess it was ironic that my favorite picture ended up being the exact opposite of what everyone was trying to get pictures of - actual closeup pictures of the NBA stars.
Maybe I felt the way "Melo" looks in the picture - just trying to shield myself until it was all over.
Alas, it was an interesting and fun night despite all the challenges.
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