Walk the walk

As the trial comes to a close, I am posting some continuing coverage of the Sandusky trial.
Unfortunately, I am out of the country, so I'll probably miss the verdict. But every day the walk in and out of the court house by former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky became redundant.
Covering the walk alone, remote cameras seemed like the best solution to capture all the angles simultaneously. And after a couple days of the same stroll, it was easy to predict the path.
So on the actual first day of the trial, I placed a remote low across the lot facing the gaggle of media photographers. Little did we all know, Sandusky's attorney would not make the first day normal.
Instead of parking, they came to a stop in the middle of the lot and got out briskly. At first, I was a bit upset thinking their haphazard parking job blocked my intended image. But after looking back, the SUV probably cleaned up a more or less messy frame, as photographers, mics and cameras layered nicely on the right side of the image.
Its been fun watching how we all approach the same scene, and I am looking forward to seeing the great work on the last day of the trial by the talented team of photographers covering all that is happening in Bellefonte.
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