Incoming Shot
Every year photographers cover the same sports - and trying to find a new vantage point is something we're always seeking.
Sometimes they're ideas that no one has ever had and we keep the secret until the day of the game. Other times they're adapations of those that came before us.
Covering a handful of lacrosse games this year, I asked my fellow teammate if I could borrow his custom-made lacrosse goal box.
Having never played with one, I decided to give it a test run during a high school lacrosse game before placing inside of a goal during a major contest.
It was a bit nerve-racking as the box doesn't come with instructions. After configuring the way I thought would be best (it wasn't and I tweaked it the second and third go around), I went through the proper channels in getting it approved and making sure it was safe for the players, too.
After blessings from everyone involved, I found the cleanest background on the field, installed, focused, and hoped for the best.
Despite it getting vetoed minutes before face-off in other games following this, I think it's an awesome angle and boosted my confidence on trying this angle with other goal sports.