Availability: back ordered

Black Friday. The official mark of the holiday season.
Christmas music is now acceptable everywhere, except in my car, and traffic now congests daily commutes everywhere, especially in my car.
Having the day off, I spent my time doing anything but shopping. I never understood waking up at sunrise to save $10. Time is money.
I don't spend much money though. I am sort of a miser, but I do manage my money well and I do buy items I really want.
Too bad everything I want right now is back ordered.
I ordered the new Nikon D300 (I can't afford the new D3) a couple weeks ago knowing new technology and Internet reviews showed it being better, especially at high ISO, than the D2X.
Although the camera was finally shipped to stores Nov.21, I still have yet to see my order pass the "processing" stage. Also, the additional grip, extra batteries and a new charger (mine is dead) are all back ordered, too.
Back ordered items 4, me 0.
I'll try and be patient until the friendly UPS man drops my gear off, but that hasn't stopped me from calling every photo store within a 60 mile radius to see if they have any in stock. Only having one camera body is driving me crazy!
Now, the phone. I've always been the simple cell phone guy. But with changing technologies and my obsessive habit of checking my e-mail (I check my e-mail if I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom) I decided to pick up a web based cell phone. More specifically the Verizon Voyager.
I had originally wanted a iPhone, but I do not have AT&T. So then I opted for a Blackberry. Oh, what is that you say? It costs $40 for the web a month? No, thanks! Small towns provide free wifi. I will not pay $40 for web on a phone.
Luckily the Voyager looks pretty cool and web is about $10 a month. However, it's back ordered.
Back ordered items 5, me 0.
With that, I think instead of drowning my Black Friday sorrows with a couple cold beverages, I think I'll comb through my resume and portfolio for internship season.
Thus is where I found this image, looking over photos from this past summer.
I shall return Monday or Tuesday. Have a good weekend.